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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


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Opening Cutscene
 The balance of the World was once in perfect harmony. Earth, Wind, Water and Fire: all the elements were represented by orbs protected by the warriors of the light. Then Chaos, a wizard who had reached his physical peak of power, decided to turn to the darkness in order to gain more. The orbs were infused by his darkness: first wind, then Water, then Earth, then Fire. Storms, wildfire, and floods all ravaged the world and the balance of the elements slowly disintegrated. Darkness flourished, rose, grew stronger slowly over the years. And the whole time, Chaos waits, gaining more and more powerful, preparing.
Chapter I - 400 Years Later. The introductory chapter, a lot of this chapter is cutscenes and an introduction to the systems. The user will not be able to change their party leader until the end of the chapter.

Rudd (Narrating): We never thought it would turn out like this. I never could have imagined that he would be the one to awaken them.

 Lockus wakes and begins his day. As a delivery boy, he is to report to the delivery outpost every morning to pick up his deliveries for the day and make his journeys. Today there is only one: a small package to be delivered to Coneria Castle. Lockus takes the package and heads off across the small yet relatively dangerous grasslands, fighting off a few monsters - all in a day's work.

 Upon his arrival at Coneria Castle, Lockus produces the orb to the specified delivery address and is promptly arrested by the Knight Garland and thrown into a jail cell, occupied by an older man in a cloak, and a girl who heals his injury gained when fighting his arrest, introducing herself as Myrren. She explains her sister brought home an orb from the market and with it, a barrage of soldiers who attacked her family. Myrren fled with the orb but was caught and brought to the dungeon. The doors open and another girl is dragged in kicking, screaming and biting one guard before she is also thrown in the cell. Lockus and Myrren deduce from her shouts that she has also been arrested for possessing an orb and approach her. Her name is Storme.

 The older man then reveals he is also the holder of an orb, and the only one still with one in possession. Confused, the party debates the situation before Storme, grinning, produces the keys stolen off the guard and the party is off to retrieve the orbs and to make sense of the situation. After a string of fierce battles with Garland's knights, including the Head Guard Mykis, Garland locks himself in Princess Sara's tower room with the orbs, taking her hostage. The party break in and defeat him, rescuing the princess and quietly regaining the orbs. The king denounces and arrests Garland and the party is publicly thanked for their service of rescuing Sara.

 Following their ceremony, the older man reveals himself as a warrior named Rudd who appears to have been out of the continent for several years. He leads the party to the local inn to get some answers, where they meet the innkeeper Cid. Cid explains that lately, Chaos has been slowly building up power over the last 400 years and is finally reaching his peak power, and that he has gathered a huge army of followers, including Garland. Cid further explains that the orbs are the key to restoring balance and defeating the light and advises them to seek the Wise Sage Sarda - who has not been seen for a long time. The team debates on their scenario: Rudd is adamant they must follow what he calls "their destiny," whilst Myrren seems equally determined for reasons unknown to the party. Storme is keen for the adventure, bu Lockus is unsure of whether or not to leave behind his easy life.

 As Myrren questions Cid about Chaos's influence, Lockus learns that his parents had died by Chaos' doing: sparked by a new desire for vengeance, he proclaims himself in for the task.

Rudd (narrating) : I should have told him then that vengeance was not the answer. But there are many things I should have told them all then. 

Chapter II - the main progression of story. The narrative builds and the characters develop further, engaging the player and giving them an incentive to keep playing the game.

The party decides to head to Provanok town, where the Sage was last seen several years ago. Upon their arrival, they find the townspeople in hiding and terrified: their town is overrun with a pirate gang. Storme seems nervous about this revelation. As the party searches for clues concerning the Sage by talking to the reluctant residents, they are interrupted in the local inn by the arrival of the pirate gang lead by Bikke - who it turns out Storme used to affiliate with.

 The party fights and defeats some of the pirate lackeys but Bikke orders his gang to retreat and threatens the party, whilst Rudd declares to the town that the party will rid themselves of the pirates. The party question the townspeople on the pirates' activities and wearabouts and form a loose plan, deciding to raid the pirates in the morning - they may know something about the Sage. However, Storme is taken by the gang in the middle of the night. The remaining party embark to rescue her, following their trail down the coast and fighting off their lackeys as they progress.

After a fierce battle with Bikke, they locate Storme in Marsh Cave, being guarded by Astor, a dark wizard working for a higher power. The party fight and defeat Astor, rescuing Storme and her orb. As the party discuss that they have no further clues, a devastating Earthquake hits Coneria. Lockus, worried for his village, suggest they return as there may be clues back at the Kingdom. Upon their return, they find no clues except that the isthmus cutting off Coneria kingdom from the rest of the continent has been broken: the party can easily make their way over to the other continent. Myrren gathers information from a local that a large demon was seen flying East right before the Earthquake, and with no further clues, the party decides to head East.

Rudd (narrating): and what lay East...well, it taught us all a lesson. I should have probably told them then, but I told myself it was too soon, and we all had bigger things to worry about, Especially Myrren.

Chapter III - The Longest Chapter. The majority of character gameplay development happens here, with the characters able to expand their class roles and further their magic and strength abilities. Side quests open up here allowing the user to further develop their characters' weapons and armor through gaining rare items.

The party decides to stop by Myrren's hometown to see if there is news from her sister. To their shock, Melmond Town has been destroyed by Chaos' followers. Myrren finds her home destroyed and is told by a traveller that there were no survivors. Myrren grieves, temporarily falling to the power of the dark orb. Enraged, she attacks the party who are trying to calm her and they must defeat her in order to help her regain her senses. Following their battle, Myrren remembers nothing but has gained a newfound offensive power: she resolves to use her new strength to rescue her sister.

Rudd (narrating): And just like that, Myrren left the darkness behind, and gained with her a strength of the light. How I envied her. How I envied them all, blissfully unaware of what was to come - and yet, I still couldn't bring myself to ruin that ignorance.

 The party finds a large open expanse: Titan's tunnel, a large area plagued by demons and beasts. Tired, they head to the nearest town, Crescent Lake, for information and to rest, but find they must defeat Vampire, who has been working under Garland's command to attack and terrify towns. Upon his defeat, the local inn provides the party a place to stay and plenty of information. The party learns of the dangers ravaging the East and various townspeople share their worries and requests, which the party is able to take on at the jobs and requests board. Upon completing a quest, the party is given information leading to Sage Sarda's whereabouts: on the edge of town.

 The sage has plenty of information to share. She examines their orbs and confirms that they have been infected with darkness: in order to free the orbs, they must defeat the four elemental fiends who are ruled by Chaos. She tells the party the Earth Fiend who most likely caused the earthquake lives in an isolated cave across the other side of Titan's Tunnel, in the desert. She blesses them with new abilities and gives them directions, and the party heads off to defeat their first fiend.

 However, the warriors are stopped by another follower of Chaos at the front of the cave; Rydella. Whilst trying to extract information, they find out she is the one who went after Myrren's orb: and thus, the one who kidnapped her sister. When Myrren finds out her sister has been killed, she is taken up in a rage of fury and flies after Rydella, engaging him in a solo battle and defeating her by herself.

 The party continue further on into the cave where they eventually find Lich, the Earth Fiend. Using their newly gained skills, the party defeat him and sure enough, Myrren's orb returns to clear, regaining its light. Pleased with their progress, the party is optimistic about the rest of their journey, whilst Myrren makes peace with her lost family, promising that she will try her best.

 Rudd suggests they return to Crescent Lake town to inform Sarda of the good news. They are greeted by a familiar face on their arrival: Cid, who has sailed over to see if he can offer assistance. The party gratefully accept and Sarda laments that the fire fiend, Kary, is rumoured to live in a volcano accessible by boat - and that they should make the most of Cid's offer and go after Kary next.

The party plus Cid (who can now be switched in as a guest party member in battle,) travel on the ship up to the Volcano, fighting off swarms of sea monsters that keep attacking the ship. They arrive on the volcanic island and make their way through the heat monsters to find Kary. The party battle at the top of the volcano with Kary, finding that their attacks and magic are affected by the extreme heat: they must think and strategise to defeat the fiend. Upon Kary's defeat, the fiend falls into the volcano, and the heat combines: the volcano is to erupt. The party must hurry back down the volcano and into the ship, watching the eruption as they sail away and Storme's orb turns clear.

The party need to rest, and Cid needs to fix the ship, damaged by all the attacks by sea monsters. They spot a structure on a nearby island and land - only to find out the Dragon King Bahamut resides on the island. Lockus manages to stop him from attacking the party, and to their surprise, Bahamut laughs, proclaims that Lockus shows bravery and gives them a task: to reclaim back his home, the Castle of Ordeal, which has been taken over by monsters led by Commander Doel. The party agrees and they head to the castle (minus Cid, who is fixing up the ship) After battling what seems like countless monsters, the party is split up: Myrren and Rudd are left to fend off monsters whilst Storme and Lockus head to the top of the castle to defeat Commander Doel.

Upon their successful return, Bahamut gladly grants them new abilities and power ups, which the party gratefully accept. Cid proclaims the ship is ready, and that they can head up to the North Continent where Kraken and Tiamat, the final two fiends, are rumoured to reside.

Rudd: The North Continent... what memories that brought back. I knew Cid had a reason for helping us. But deep down... I wanted to go back too.

The ship is attacked on their way North: sensing the defeat of Kary and Lich, the water fiend, Kraken, has decided to attack the ship. Storme laughs, calling it "Wonderful that the third one decided to come to us!" However, Lockus has been hit with a memory upon seeing Kraken and realises it was Kraken itself who was responsible for his parents' deaths and his orphaned upbringing. Lockus vows revenge on Kraken who seems to enjoy the challenge and the act of hurting Lockus with his memories. Myrren helps Lockus find his own power and the party defeat Kraken with the help of Lockus' new Outrage move.

Rudd: and somehow, I sensed he was coming. He must have also known about me. He must have known who I am.

Chapter IV
 As the party watches the Kraken sink to the bottom of the ocean, Myrren quietly comforting Lockus who is still dealing with his grief, a figure arrive. The party turns and is in shock as the figure reveals himself to be Garland.

 Garland congratulates the Warriors on their conquests so far but warns them that Tiamat, the wind fiend, who has infected the wind orb for the longest time, will be by far the hardest to defeat. His jests are interrupted as he stops abruptly and exclaims he recognises Rudd. He reveals that Rudd is not only one of the Leifenish, but one of the original warriors of the light tasked with looking after the elemental orbs. He further taunts the Warriors telling them that Rudd orchestrated their whole adventure so far according to his own agenda. Rudd and Garland battle briefly, before Garland states he has "had enough of playing games," and he laughs and vanishes as the rest of the party angrily turn on Rudd.

 Myrren expresses disappointed that Rudd did not trust them to tell them the truth, whilst Storme is furious that she has been tricked. Rudd explains that he was waiting for the right time to reveal, but wanted to absolutely make sure they were able to take the truth and that they would still continue on their journey. When Lockus, still wracked with grief and now confusion, asks when that time is, Rudd explains that it is now: Tiamat the wind fiend has taken the Leifenish Floating Castle as his own, and in order to gain access, the party will need to head to Leifen.

Rudd: it was a breath of fresh air. I felt free. And I knew what I had known from the start: I could trust my companions. They would still stay with me to the very end.

 The party begins their journey to Leifen with Cid, who turns out to also be one of the Leifenish. On the ship, the party gains further details about their history and the self-induced hibernation both Cid and Rudd undertook in order to wait for the next generation of the warriors of the light to arrive. Rudd explains how he planted the orbs for the correct owners to find; unfortunately, Myrren's sister's kidnap and Storme's arrest meant he had to have himself and Lockus arrested in order for them to all meet and to initially learn the truth about the orbs.

 The party arrives at the quiet town, home to only the few descendants of the Leifenish. Cid is greeted enthusiastically as are the party when he explains to the town who they are. The descendants present themselves as ready and willing to help, strengthening the warrior's armor and teaching them new magic.

Rudd: and then finally... I was going home.

Chapter V - The End

The townspeople unveil an airship once they deem the party ready. Cid is happy to fly them up, but warns them he will not face Tiamat - it is not his job. The party start closing in on the Floating Castle as Rudd describes to them what used to be his home. A fierce storm begins to brew and Cid just about lands the airship on the castle, and the party prepare themselves for their hardest encounter yet.

 The party only has to step foot in the castle before Tiamat, expecting them, greets them. After a long, strategic battle, Tiamat is finally defeated and goes out in a huge blaze - sending winds and a storm all over the continent. The party hurries back to the airship, unsure of the stability of the Floating Castle, but find the airship itself is blown to the Temple of Fiends on the North continent. To the party's exhausted horror, they once again, encounter Garland. Lockus demands to know who he is - why he knows Rudd, why he is working with Chaos and the fiends to bring darkness to the planet. Garland replies he will only answer their questions if they defeat him, and they engage in battle.

 The party manages to defeat Garland. However, as they do, a portal suddenly opens up in the Temple of Fiends. The portal seemingly heals Garland, who tells them to follow him if they want the answers, before jumping through the portal. The other party members seem more hesitant, but Lockus is adamant that they must be the ones who stop Chaos, and the others follow.

 The party arrives at what appears to be a different temple. Garland appears and reveals that he is Chaos: 400 years ago, he enlisted the fiends to help him create a time loop, so he would be able to continuously live on as both Chaos and Garland. The party then fight their final battle.

 As Chaos has been finally defeated, the portal begins to fold in: the party quickly jump through and arrive back in a much changed present state, where no one knows of their activities and heroics - as the course of time has been altered. Storme is disappointed that no one knows she is a hero, whilst Myrren is overjoyed as her family is now alive. The party briefly discuss what to do, before deciding they will explore the rest of the continents and try and help people out as much as they can.

Rudd: 400 years. 400 years on. I may not have been meant to live in this era, with these people, this World. But I like it, and I think I will stay.

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