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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Gameplay/Mechanics index

Other Considerations
Whilst this project focuses on the characters and story with some additional minor focus on how the systems above would be altered, there are still a huge number of systems involved in Role Playing Games. Below is an outline touching upon several other integral systems to the Final Fantasy games and how they could be altered in line with this project:
  • Inventory system
    Inventory systems are integral to role playing games, and have always been to Final Fantasy. The inventory system as of the last few games is simple and self-explanatory: items are grouped by their function and type. Weapons are grouped together but may be equipped and upgraded through the 'equipment' function. Healing, boost and other in-battle items are similarly grouped together. The main update for the inventory system for this project would be to update the graphics to match the theme of the updated game (colour scheme, use of font, use of backgrounds and placements)
  • Weapons equip and upgrade system
    Similarly to Inventory, Final Fantasy as a franchise has a relatively simple weapons equipment and upgrade system. In the "equipment" menu, the player is able to browse through their acquired weapons to view their various statistics and augmentations. The player can then upgrade weapons using simple item synthesis (based off items collected off defeating enemies or in treasure chests throughout the game) and equip weapons. This is the model the last few games have used and whilst it could be further updated, this project sees no need for it.
  • Use of vehicles
     integral to the Final Fantasy series. As this project aims to move from a world map style into seamless environments, this will heavily affect the use of vehicles. The original Final Fantasy I had a whole range of vehicles that the user needed to use to navigate - airships, ships, a canoe, - and to remove these would be removing a large part of the game. Instead, this reboot proposes that the majority of scenes on vehicles would move to cutscenes with battle encounters throughout. The user would be able to decide to go through "coordinate setting" (similar to the Airship in Final Fantasy X,) and again, similar to Final Fantasy X, the user will be able to navigate the players inside the vehicle as it automatically travels, as opposed to controlling the vehicle directly. This will allow for an element of freedom for the user.
Previous: Story | Next: Battle System

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