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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Myrren is the "medic" with high magic ability and less attacking power. She serves as the quieter counterpart to Storme, and takes on the motherly role of the group.

Final Design

For Myrren, I looked at characters with both strong magic and healing abilities in fiction. Yuna from Final Fantasy X, as a gentle character with special magic ability, was a strong inspiration. I took particularly from her outfit, as I wanted to show some in-world diversity and show a difference in Myrren's (Western) culture to Lockus and Storme's (Central). 


As mentioned above, I was inspired by Yuna (Final Fantasy X)'s designs for outfit; long, floaty garments with plenty of cultural history. I wanted Myrren to look serene and graceful; thus giving maximum effect when she loses her sanity to the dark orb. 

Myrren lived happily with her family in Melmond Town where she trained to be a medic, until her sister came home with an orb sold to her at a local market. Garland's soldiers traced the orb and attacked her house, kidnapping her sister.

Garland's followers (both soldiers and monsters) later returned and ransacked the whole village, burning the village down and killing all survivors.

Myrren is a helpful, shy character who is always responsible and who likes to be in control. She partially falls to the darkness of the orb when she finds out her sister has been killed and attacks the party. However, she strengthens her resolve and desire to user her power for good. She defeats her sister's killer in her first and final act of vengeance.

Despite her gentle nature, Myrren is not a pushover as she may seem, to Storme and Rudd's surprise when they try to occasionally sway her and shake her resolve. She is perhaps the most stubborn character, but luckily has an excellent sense of judgement.

Story Beginning
Following her sister's kidnap, Myrren flees with the orb but is eventually captured and taken with the orb to Coneria Castle.

Previous: Storme | Next: Rudd

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