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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Storme serves as the "rogue" character of the party. Similar to Tifa (Final Fantasy VII) and Fang (Final Fantasy XIII,) she has offensive attack and defense but limited magic. She will also be the only character who reflects the classic RPG class of 'thief/rogue' with battle options to steal items and abilities off enemies.

Final Design

For Storme, I looked at other tough female characters who were designed to stand out amongst male characters. Final Fantasy VII's Tifa and Final Fantasy XIII protagonist Lightning were two obvious options. 


I had some trouble deciding on her palette, eventually deciding to base it on red as the colour that represents Storme best: rage, passion and strength. As an important female in a gang full of male pirates, it would be necessary to Storme to retain her femininity, whilst also exuding an air of power - hence her practical outfit. I also attempted to design her in order to have her more athletic appearing than the average Final Fantasy female character, which would fit with her strong physical stats.

Storme was abandoned as a child by her uncaring parents, causing her tough personality. Despite this, she remains an upbeat character with a strong will to live and to prove herself. Storme worked occasionally as part of a pirate gang that operates in Melmond Town, stealing and looting to survive. She reveals that it is less for the goods and more for the notoriety as a way to "get back" at her parents.

Storme is the energetic powerhouse of the party, always remaining optimistic and willing to explore and try new things. She is also of a fiery nature and quick to anger, but easy to forgive and forget. She is incredibly resourceful and usually the first character to figure a way out of a situation. Despite her living and backstory, she is somehow quite a morally sound character.

Storme is very concerned about reputation and works hard to build one up for herself. She often pretends not to care about anything but becomes fiercely loyal and protective over those she considers important to her.

Storme is the only character who has abilities of the "thief/rogue" class and the "saboteur" class in Final Fantasy XIII. Thus, she is able to sabotage enemies by inflicting status attributes and also able to steal items and abilities off them and use them, due to her resourceful nature.

Story Beginning
One of the orbs has been found and incorrectly thought to be a rare treasure. Storme volunteers to be the one to steal the treasure at the same time Garland orders his soldiers to hijack the transporation vehicle. Upon seeing the orb's reaction to Storme, both she and the orb are captured by Garland and taken to Coneria Castle.

Previous: Lockus | Next: Myrren

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